Legal Directories and Rankings

Directories and rankings such as Chambers & Partners, Legal 500 and others help win new clients, build personal and firm authority and attract new talent. The reputational and commercial benefits of becoming a trusted advisor are significant: legal and tax rock stars enjoy word-of-mouth referrals, command higher fees and are short-listed for business-critical assignments.

BUT many lawyers say that there are too many publications to choose from, the process is time-consuming and it seems to require a specialist touch that office staff does not always have. Many excellent professionals are unranked because they believe it’s too much work to manage the lengthy process. This is a huge missed opportunity.

We can do the heavy lifting and position firms, practices and individuals for success

The XUNAMA X-factor

XUNAMA brings strategy and structure to your legal and professional services brand and communication including taking the time to understand and integrate your firm’s values and culture. Services include:

Xunama Marketing We develop your directories and rankings strategy – identifying the right publications and focusing on the practices and practitioners with the greatest likelihood of success. We have been doing this for a long time and have a deep sense of what it takes to be ranked.

We develop your directories and rankings strategy – identifying the right publications and focusing on the practices and practitioners with the greatest likelihood of success. We have been doing this for a long time and have a deep sense of what it takes to be ranked.

Xunama Marketing We work with you to shape the submission, tell the right stories, provide the most compelling support

We work with you to shape the submission, tell the right stories, provide the most compelling support

Xunama Marketing We coach you to prepare your client referees and rehearse your interviews with researchers

We coach you to prepare your client referees and rehearse your interviews with researchers